Do you want to pay with employer benefits? We accept Epassi, Smartum and Edenred. To pay with employer benefit service: 1. Go to the app of the employer benefit provider. Search for Kruunisactive. Choose the amount/plan in the app, and finish the payment in the employer benefit providers app. 2. Send us a message via "Contact us"-icon or email us to, and include following info: Your name, email address (for contacting you), amount paid and date of the payment. 3. We will activate the service for you or provide a voucher/coupon with the same amount. 4. Finish the purchase the plan you want with the voucher/coupon. Notice the checkout still requires a credit card for re-occuring plans. Make sure to hit "apply" after using the coupon and verify you see the discounted amount in the total.
1 Sign Up
To purchase this plan and use its benefits in the future, log in to your account or sign up.