I'm going to cut straight to the point here. You can train with Kruunisactive no matter what level you think you currently are. 💪
Our classes are always adaptable for all levels. We have our class focus and then coach the individuals in front of us. SIMPLE.
"But it looks like everyone is so fit and strong on your Instagram?!"
Well, our members are strong and fit. But they started somewhere just like everyone does. The best part of small group classes is you are never on that journey alone.
We are always working on something. 👷
Jaakko, Henna, and I talk a lot about how our members are progressing so well. Now it's time to share where they started from and where they are now.
Check this out.
At least 5 members who thought a push-up on the floor was something they would never be able to do.
Can they do it now? Um, yeh. 💪
2 members that found balancing on one leg with support a challenge. Now balancing on one leg and moving with weight... easy peasy. Enen now jumping on one leg! 💪
3 members who thought they couldn't squat with full range. Now squatting with full range and with weight. 💪
4 members who thought hanging knee raises were tough. Now they are practicing the skill of toes to bar. 💪
4 members that have never really "trained" before. Now training 2-3 times a week consistently. 💪
Pretty awesome achievements!
So next time you are thinking about joining a trial class or trying to bring your friend along to class.
Dont think.
"I'm not fit enough for that."
Just think.
"If I Join Kruunisactive I will get strong, fit and move my body in new ways."
